Monday, September 14, 2009

For the Love of Raspberries

I'm always telling people "you need a rasberry patch!" Not only for the berries, which are sooooo yummy and good for you, but also for the leaves. I always knew they were good for you, but just recently I've learned how valuable they really are.
In my beginning herb course from Dr. Christophers School of natural healing we learned some great things about the red raspberry leaves made into tea. From the Agricultural Research Services: Phytochemical & Ethnobotanical Databases I have a list of all the nutrients that are found in the leaf itself. They are: Alpha-Carotene, Alpha-Tocopherol, Ascorbic Acid, Boron, Calcium, Chromium, Manganese, Niacin, Pectin, Phosphorus, Potassium, Riboflavin, Fiber, Iron, Magnesium, Malic Acid, Selenium, Silica, Thiamin, and Zinc. There are many things the red raspberry leaf is good for, but one thing that I want to share is something that is from Dr. Christopher and I have tried it and put it to the test. When there are flu's or colds going around if you, and your kids will drink at least three cups of tea a day, they will more than likely not get sick. If my kids are starting to act like they are coming down with something, this is one of the things I do for them. I've seen it work. Not just with my kids, but also myself. So, go plant a raspberry patch and after you've made jam and preserved all the raspberries you can harvest the leaves!