Sunday, January 31, 2010

Another beginning

Long time no post. Long time with little change in information. Long time eating not as healthy as I know I should be. That's a pretty good recap of where I'm at today.

I signed up to take the Family Herbalist class from Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing. It has been a joy -- and a stress because I'm accountable for passing a test -- but a joy for the things which I'm learning. (See Sept. 14, 2009 post, "For the Love of Raspberries" by Zea.)

I've been plagued in my thoughts about my eating for about a month. It feels like it's time again to go forward. I think I'm a bit concerned that I know I'm missing something and I don't know how to do what I feel I want to do. And then I wonder if I will really be able to be strong enough to do it. I've tried ever so many times; however, each time I seem to get a little stronger.

I just feel I do not know how to do this. In my limited understanding, and yet I feel I understand it better than most, I'm not doing it. I'm juicing and eating sprouts -- and what a difference it does make. I think some of my hair is even returning to my original color from the gray I now have. It's the other times that bother me. If my body is indeed a temple of God, why am I not feeding it as such all the time? Why am I feeding it the poisons of the world? Why am I feeding it dead food? Why am I not strong enough to be master of myself in what I put into my body?

I did the Addiction Recover Program that the LDS Church has about a year ago. I thought I was at a point of self control in my eating. I learned soooooooo much and I have progressed tremendously, but I can see I'm not yet there.

The thing that the Addiction Recovery Program taught me the most is that I cannot do it by myself. I've tried all these years -- and have not succeeded. My reflections the past few days have drawn me back to that knowing. My heart and mind are humble and I know what I need to do. I have a renewed desire, a stronger desire.

This time is a bit different. It's not so much about the weight, but it is about the health and well-being of the physical body. I know I've got (not liked to be talked about) sludge. I will be doing what I can to help rid my body of that. But along with removing that, which will allow my body to absorb the wonderful nutrients in God's created foods, I've got to learn how to prepare those foods for eating -- so they do not lose any of their 'wholeness".

I still know "wheat for man" is a part of this. I'm anxious to use the little bit of new knowledge I have gained from the learning of others. And I yet hope to receive the further light and knowledge I'm seeking -- making eating wheat delectable -- in the Lord's ways.

And so the journey continues.

I'm going to do some reporting -- challenges, frustrations, joys and successes. I've set a timetable of 90 days and as of tomorrow, February 1, 2010, I'm going to begin mastering "me". Some sort of exercise six days a week is a part of the plan, along with using the Lord in my temptations, and eating now as I will be doing in one week after a 3-day cleanse. It is said we eat 1/3 less when we eat whole foods and feel wonderful and have much more energy. Now who wouldn't want that?! And along the way we'll see how this is working and in 90 days we'll see where I've arrived. Well, I guess this has now made me accountable. This could be a good thing -- I hope!! I don't like falling on my face in front of others. (lol)

So -- once again ------- Onward and Upward!
