Friday, April 24, 2009

An old book on using wheat and progress

When I first began to try and use wheat in more than just bread and cereal, I bought a book on using wheat to eat. Books are good! They save lots of time in the learning process. It sat for awhile and after the gluten making learning and some classes by people teaching how they used wheat, I again got the book out to see what good recipes I could find. The baked products - breads, cakes, etc., - used wheat flour but as I got to the meat/casserole/vegetable dishes, I had to chuckle. I still cook our favorite meatballs using a recipe from this book but the extent of the wheat used was 1/2 cup whole wheat flour to roll the uncooked meatballs in before browning them and other recipes used the whole wheat bread crumbs. How I've progressed in using wheat since then -- throw some (cooked) in spaghetti sauce, chili, soups, etc., and I'll yet be trying some of the salads in this book I just ordered. It's always fun to look back and see the progress and yet also, to see that there is still much to look forward to in learning.


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