Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Time spent thinking and pondering always leads to more learning.

There is just something wonderful about thinking and pondering. You ask a question and all these things run through your mind. At times, it's really profound and an instant answer. At other times, it leads to other things needed before you can obtain that answer.

And this is the road I've been on the past few weeks.

I told you about reading "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollen. I have to admit that I thought about it for several days. He basically tells us that we need to let go of all what the world teaches and eat. Yes, we need to eat whole, healthy foods but let go of the eating this food for this nutrient and that food for that nutrient. It really opened me up -- made me free, sort of speak. I was so hung up on trying to get all the nutrients the world is telling me I need and where they are and some I can't even get unless I go clear across the continent......well, I think you can see what I mean. I'm so thankful I read that book.

After digesting it, I was led to two other books.

Years ago I remember hearing about/reading about a group of Christian ladies that were having a huge success at losing weight by being accountable to Jesus. I've been thinking about that a lot so decided to take a look on the internet. I ordered the book, "The Eden Diet", by Rita M. Hancock, M.D. and so enjoyed it. It was such an affirmation of "In Defense of Food". And it was insight to Gwenith's question: "How did Adam and Eve eat in the Garden of Eden?"

And, I've also posted about satiation. Well, she addressed that in a big way - recognizing "hunger" and "full" and I realized I have neither.

So -- I've gone to the table to learn. Have to admit, it's been kind of fun. I did finally experience "full" once and I'm still working on identifying true hunger - rather than bored, stressed, waiting, frustrated, etc., etc., etc.!!!! This is going to take more than a couple of days!

When I spend the time thinking, it seems I'm always led to more understanding and answers. I love that part. It always requires work but amazing how it all fits.

I'm wondering if someone already knows the answer to what I seek. Oh, I know the Lord does, but when that answer comes about why wheat for man, is it going to come from something someone else will have already addressed? It really doesn't matter. My journey has been awesome and continues to be.

I do know this little reading spurt has brought me closer to my answer -- in fact closer than I thought it would. I don't know how - other than it might be really a matter of my gaining my own self-control and then the Lord will give me the blessings that go with that.

Anyway --- Onward and Upward!


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