Monday, October 5, 2009

Tomato power

Probably the wrong title but......

Made a recipe today that said to remove the seeds from the tomato. I had to wonder if I've ever had a recipe that had you do that or if when it did I just ignored it because it was too much work. Then I wondered how they "officially" do that so checked it out on the net. I was appalled as I saw them take out the heart - those membranes.

Since reading Greensmoothie Girl's blog about eating whole foods - including the skins, I have always known what she expressed was true. Today, I thought about that place of the fruit that is holding the power of reproducing.

So --- I did as the recipe instructed, but I put the seeds and the pulp in a bowl of their own. After I finished my recipe, I needed to juice some vegetables and just ran what was in the bowl through. About the only thing that came through was the seeds. And what a powerful drink was made -- with probably some of the richest nutrient power the tomato had.

I'm in awe at the things that are coming forth. They've really never been gone -- just man has forgotten, including me. In the olden days, people just picked the fruit or vegetable and ate it. Today, we have to do so much to them before we eat them -- add flavor, take things out, put things in, etc., etc., etc. But also in our day, we are going back to the ways of health and wholeness and I'm excited these things are being brought to my attention and becoming more of my family's way of life - although we have been very basic as compared to most of the world! But now --- we are REALLY getting basic and it's AWESOME!!!! Bring on the power!!!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

In Praise of Beans

Once again I've had the opportunity to be in teaching mode and once again I've learned the most.

About a year and a half ago, the Provident Living site changed the food storage calculator to only calculate grains and legumes. My reasoning was because they, as it says on the site, "can sustain life" or "be used to stay live." This time around, it was instilled in my soul that: "The Lord will always guide and protect His people if they will obey. The site was changed because He inspired someone to do it, of course and the change will provide us with strength, health and protection of our bodies." I then had a thought question wondering if these two things were the best things we could be eating even now -- just just for survival. I love the witness of the Holy Ghost!

As I prepared spiritually and also made numerous dishes for the class and as we at home gave those dishes a trial run, it was very interesting what happened to my family as we ate them.
We got full and there was no glimpse of a desire to snack later. When it was time for the next meal, we found we were sometimes still not very hungry. In this household, that's a big deal. I feed them a good meal and an hour later, they are snacking.

I really don't know why I have not fed my family more legumes/beans. I guess one reason is because of their worst rap of being gassy. I shared my theory that if we get gassy, it is a very good indication that there is a problem in our bodies and the beans are working at those problems. As I've eaten beans, I find that problem ceases to exist when the fiber gets to do its job rather than being so far behind. We all know many diseases happen because of colon issues.

When one considers that each legume/bean has it's own special nutrient, we should be eating a variety. When one considers the Lord says, "Nevertheless, wheat for man", and then we are encouraged to also eat legumes, and then plants in season, could our health be exceptionally increased? I now know, if we literally do these things, it can.

Now many will probably rip me saying I should study the food combining, etc., etc., etc., and I have and know of these things and do have several books but I have to admit, I have not done them. I will now be a bit more aware of how often I serve grains and beans, together or alone. I do not feel we need to always combine. Yes, there is the knowledge about the amino acids being complete, but I do know it does not have to be every time.

As I was prompted to share another insight about the deceit of men, "In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you and forewarn you,...", I also know these words were said for us today. The greater degree we eat God's food as compared to the world's food, the greater our protection and what greater foods than those which God created with a powerful outside covering.

My favorite is about as simple as one can get. I get a can of beans, put a few in a bowl and warm them and add some salsa and I'm good. Simple seems to be the taste I like the best and simple is the Lord's ways.

I really wish I had a picture of the serving table. It was delightful with over 25 different dishes, soups, salads, desserts and snacks. And what is even more delightful, we were all in awe that it was all made with beans.

And so, onward and upward with another adjustment in what I feed my family. My eating grains regularly will also now include a more concerted effort to include beans and legumes regularly. It's a new world of finding new recipes and letting inspiration complete that gap.

I'm so glad I was asked to teach this class. I'm excited.
