Monday, October 5, 2009

Tomato power

Probably the wrong title but......

Made a recipe today that said to remove the seeds from the tomato. I had to wonder if I've ever had a recipe that had you do that or if when it did I just ignored it because it was too much work. Then I wondered how they "officially" do that so checked it out on the net. I was appalled as I saw them take out the heart - those membranes.

Since reading Greensmoothie Girl's blog about eating whole foods - including the skins, I have always known what she expressed was true. Today, I thought about that place of the fruit that is holding the power of reproducing.

So --- I did as the recipe instructed, but I put the seeds and the pulp in a bowl of their own. After I finished my recipe, I needed to juice some vegetables and just ran what was in the bowl through. About the only thing that came through was the seeds. And what a powerful drink was made -- with probably some of the richest nutrient power the tomato had.

I'm in awe at the things that are coming forth. They've really never been gone -- just man has forgotten, including me. In the olden days, people just picked the fruit or vegetable and ate it. Today, we have to do so much to them before we eat them -- add flavor, take things out, put things in, etc., etc., etc. But also in our day, we are going back to the ways of health and wholeness and I'm excited these things are being brought to my attention and becoming more of my family's way of life - although we have been very basic as compared to most of the world! But now --- we are REALLY getting basic and it's AWESOME!!!! Bring on the power!!!


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