Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 1 - In the forefront

It so helps to have thoughts and desires in the forefront of one's mind. Today, I said "no" to things that were calling me to eat them. Today, I breathed deeper and a more concerted effort to breathe correctly. I sat and walked with a straighter body. I shoveled snow for exercise and did crunches.

I wanted to make a plan - kind of a menu - of ideas to eat. I did purchase a new e-book I thought would be beneficial and it did have some good ideas in it when I feed my family, but it's not where I want to be right now. But the plan did not come to fruition today.

I got up very early and got the important reading for the day done and also fasted. I know I mentioned before that fasting brings forth the blessings of heaven and I've known this would be a part of obtaining the answers I'm seeking. It is good.

When I did eat, I had a wonderful salad. I had to make a frosting for treats for school and found out it was very hard not to taste and lick fingers after being done. I must do this a lot. It was just totally natural. Gotta watch that I guess.

And so the day didn't pan out quite how desired but there is tomorrow. And that is soooo life!! But, a plan I will put together with ideas of things to eat so when that time comes - after the cleanse next week - that part will be ready and I won't be wondering what to fix. I've got to do this now because if I don't, I'm setting myself up for failure - been there, done that, too many times.


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