Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 18 - Dinner just for me? No one else liked it.

Had wheat sprouts cooked a bit in a double boiler. I tasted them and I just couldn't identify what they reminded me of. Finally a few hours later when I tasted them again (they were a bit dryer and a little harder), I figured it out. They tasted just like pine nuts. It was awesome. That has some possibilities and if none other, to have a unique taste for breakfast.

We had a vege sandwich for lunch.

Dinner was a red sauce recipe given to me by my daughter-in-law. She went to Italy on her mission and they truly make it from scratch and there is very little cooking. I love it. I cooked a spaghetti squash and cabbage. I had both, along with some wheat sprouts, under my sauce.
This was NOT a big hit for the rest of the family -- in fact it wasn't even a little hit. I went to feel guilty and then had the thought that I should be entitled to a favorite once a year, I think? Or, why not even twice a year. lol

And so, one more day completed.

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