Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 20 - Two steps back

And what did today bring? Lots of not doing the things I was supposed to!!!! And the result, we both were ornery and sluggish. Interesting. Can I blame all my orneriness onto food? This may have more truth to it than we really realize.

Did have green smoothie for breakfast. That was good. Lunch became eating more and more and not of the good stuff. One good thing though, is at the end of the day, I needed to at least have some wheat and this thought of granola just kept coming to mind. I dumped the rest of the wheat sprouts into the blender and added the rest of the coconut milk. I whizzed it a bit and then put it into a bowl and added oatmeal, honey, raisins, a bit of cinnamon, coconut, and almond pieces. I then remembered some stuff I had in the cupboard -- a dry mix of buckwheat, pumpkin and sunflower seeds and some other stuff (pretty good stuff actually) but there was just a little left. I added it and by that time, it was stiff enough to put in a dish. Put it in the fridge for an hour and then ate some. Pretty good for just putting into it whatever came to mind.
It felt good to be eating something that felt like it was a staple.


  1. I would like to share with you a different interpretation of the scripture for you to ponder and maybe discuss with the bishop and with the Lord to reveal if this is true. I believe we are leaving out the most important verse, 15!
    It says "And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger."
    Gluten sensitivity is prevalent in our society just as carbohydrate addiction is.
    Why do we overlook verse 15 which clearly states only in times of famine and hunger? Could it be that we are all addicted to bad carbs, and we see what we want to see? What is being referred to? Look at verse 14 again. He is referring to all grain.
    Therefore, I believe that all grain is for the use of man, but only in times of famine and hunger. What should we be storing up? Grain. What should we not be eating now when we don't have to? You guessed it, grain.
    I believe God will make it perfectly healthy for us to eat grain when we need it.
    Make sense?

  2. I've spent many times through the years fasting and praying about eating grain and meats. Long ago, I even questioned the verse you quoted and studied it intently to understand it because it seemed confusing to me. I received my answer. This same answer was supported when the Lord's servants were inspired to add the footnotes. Verse 14 talks about all grain being for man and beasts, fowls, and all wild animals; (and the verse ends with a semi-colon). Verse 15 is a continuation of verse 14 -- talking about animals and ends with a period. Then in verse 16, he continues His instruction about grains.

    Yes, the world is saying we should not eat wheat and it has recently added all grains. Makes me shake my head. Verse 4 talks about the "evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you,...." I know the Lord has spoken and it's for me to choose -- the Lord's word or the world's word.

    I believe we are addicted to the foods of the world. This was "Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints,..." I do find I am weak in my choices of food. It isn't easy to eat wheat when there are so many really good-tasting things, recipes galore and restaurants galore. It is a choice. Because of our not so good choices, gluten intolerance and much illness is a result.

    Gluten intolerance is curable. We have to help our bodies heal, which is a process. Whole grains are then able to be enjoyed with all those special promised blessings.

    I believe the day will come when science will support what the Lord has said. The pendulum has swung so far to one side right now, it will yet come into balance and the world will know the truth of "All grain is ordained for the use of man" - "All grain is good for the food of man" - and, "Nevertheless, wheat for man."
