Friday, February 27, 2009

The basic of the basics - cream of wheat cereal

It was amazing to me when I fed this to my grandchildren. We add a little milk. stir and then drizzle a little honey on it. They LOVE it!! I've personally always found this warming, comforting and good and it's soooo basic and simple. I've given the raw ground wheat to others and ground some for many more and most have reported that they love it.

1 cup boiling water
1/4 cup cereal
salt to taste (1/8-1/4 tsp)

Add cereal to boiling water while wisking. Cook 5-7 minutes.

Left: raw cereal Right: cream of wheat cereal

A blender can be used to grind wheat to make the cereal. Cereal can also be made from flour.

Turn your blender into a grain mill VIDEO


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