Saturday, February 28, 2009

Whole foods

Woke up this morning thinking about whole foods. We've not addressed this yet -- so here goes.

There is a great movement in the world today -- and that is to eat healthier by eating whole foods. Miracles in health have resulted!!

Should we find this amazing? I don't think so if we really think about it. God created all foods and they have the nutrients to feed man and help our bodies work properly. The more we eat the processed, modified and altered foods, the more our bodies lack what they need to sustain it and the unhealthier we will be.

Over 15 years ago I went to a church meeting. One of the segments was on the damaging effects our teenagers experienced because of using facial products for acne and other products. We were given a handout. It listed the "chemicals" in these products (all names none of us can say) and the known side effects -- depression, moodiness, sleeplessness, -- and the list went on and on. I remember how this so made an impression on me. Think about the difference between 15 years ago and now in the amount of chemicals used in everything -- including food!

Since that time, I've read labels. This carried over with our food. It is very hard to purchase food without additives. I was very surprised when I saw bacon on the shelf - and not in the cooler section. What do these things have to have in them to preserve them that they can be kept on the shelf? And what do these additives do to our bodies? And imagine my surprise when I went to purchase some bacon and read the label and gluten was used as a binder. Then I started to notice how many other things used gluten as a binder and it was in everything. No wonder we are maxed out in the "gluten" department; but we surely aren't getting it into our bodies in the form that is good for our bodies!!!!

One time after one of my body cleanses, I was eating whole foods. We had company and I'd sliced an orange, yellow and red pepper. I was so overcome by the sweetness of the peppers and especially the red pepper and commented on it -- how sweet and wonderful it tasted. Everyone just looked at me like they didn't know what I was talking about. They surely weren't experiencing it. It was awesome to experience the deliciousness that existed. Sorry to report that it wasn't long before I'd eaten enough of the world's "good" food that I could no longer identify that sweetness.

And then there's sugar. Man is constantly trying to find a substitute for sugar. We have all the man-created ones that have been proven to be very damaging. Did God created sugar? I believe He did. Wheat can be made into sugar. Sugar does serve a purpose; but moderation in all things. Man is out of control -- myself included!!!!!

This trend of the world in eating whole foods is a good one. Whole foods benefit man. And -- wheat and other grains are whole foods.

Since Gwenith and I talk a lot about this -- I think I can say "we" ---- we are working hard to incorporate whole foods (foods that can reproduce themselves) into our diets and we hope you, too, will desire, work toward and progress in using the foods God created for us for the benefit and use of our bodies.

Happy Healthy Eating!!!!!

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