Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Korea Blues

I got sick the last couple of weeks in January. It dates back to the old days (17 years ago!!) when I lived in Korea serving a mission for 18 months and got sick. I don't know if its some kind of 'critter' or what but it continues, to this day, to come back and wallop me.

This makes me all the more keen to continue my forays into learning how to eat better. I have grown 3 crops of wheatgrass which I have juiced and drunk ( 2 oz.) per day and my fourth crop is almost done.

Michael Bergonzi's DVD ( on growing wheatgrass was invaluable in learning how to do this -- not because its hard to do, but because you can easily and quickly learn the do's and don'ts and get down to business and not waste your money buying needless stuff.

I am also going to try to cut MSG out of my diet and if you think that's easy to do, just go to and read what foods contain MSG!!! Everything contains MSG!!!! Everything except 'whole foods'. So you know what that means - you have to spend lots of time in the kitchen cooking everything from scratch! Yet, even if it doesn't help me, will it help my husband with his frequent headaches, my youngest son with his asthma, and my older son with his anxiety? Can I not try for the sake of my family? Can I find the energy to do this?


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