Saturday, February 7, 2009

Husband sick blues

Ah -- glad wheat grass has been introduced. After reading Ann Wigmore's books, I knew there's something to this -- and the rejuvelac (but we'll talk about that later).

My husband had his first angioplasty when he was 48. Scared me!!! They said after he got finished he'd feel like dancing. I went into the room as he was telling the nurse his chest really hurt. She called others. I stepped into the corner and watched as many others came into the room and put all the monitors on him and the meds under his tongue. I thought to myself, "This surely doesn't look like dancing to me!" The doctor came in and said it must have closed again and they'd do it again the next morning.

At 55 he had complete kidney failure because of kidney stones. At 58 he had a stint put in his heart. Of course, all of that requires many medications.

Stress is also a big factor in all of this and he has always had BIG stress in his work - some self inflicted (but don't we all). Family heredity is the usual for all he has goin' on.

Of course, my desire was to help with his health and I began growing wheat grass. He had to go have some blood work done and he'd been drinking the 2 oz a day for a few days. He had the best lipid profile he'd had in years. Of course, he thought it was the oatmeal he'd eaten the previous morning. lol

We made the decision that he should quit that stress. The most wonderful thing for me is I have my "real" husband back ---- but we have no insurance. Prescriptions eventually ran out. There had to be a better way. We now faithfully use wheat grass juice. We do take a break for a day every 7-10 days (depending on where the growing is).

I use a little hand juicer that I absolutely love! I'm sure it can be found in other places, too.

Everyone has a story. The good thing about a blog is one can check to see if it's been posted before. Teehee


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