Saturday, February 28, 2009

Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads

I wanted to let you know about a book -- a good book about bread. Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor (2007) is a book with very advanced techniques on making breads. It is for people who are serious about learning how to make good whole grain bread. This is an advanced breadmaking course - the graduate level! There is history and science here. There is technical detail and scientific precision. There is laying things out step-by-step and explaining them in detail. His delayed fermentation process not only makes the bread taste better but it makes the bread more nutritious. There are also many recipes for all types of bread: sandwich breads, buns, artisan breads, crackers, etc. This guy knows his bread and I recommend his book to any of you who really want to get deep into breadmaking!

(Disclaimer: I (Gwenith) am not a master or an expert on this subject by any means! I was therefore interested in learning more and I have read the book and have tried a couple of recipes so far. I have learned much from this book and still have much to learn and I am grateful to have it!)


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