Thursday, February 5, 2009

Provident Living 'Graduate Student' Progress:

My goal is to follow the prophets to prepare for the future (the term we use in the Church is 'Provident Living') and to help others learn what I have learned.

There's a lot to this Provident Living thing - if you take it seriously and if you want to know and do it well enough to teach somebody else - a full graduate course, to be sure. Obviously there is no set curriculum so we just jump in with both feet and press forward!

My personality qualifications for being a graduate student in this course of study: Type-A, perfectionist personality and an extreme, this-doesn't-come-from-me drive that fuels continuous motivation to keep on going that
leads me to an insane penchant for researching something to death until you know everything about it, its background, history, molecular structure, etc.,etc.

Source of this motivation: is it because I'm apt to worry about the 'signs of the times'? That may be some of it but I know the Lord has a hand in it as well because normally, in many areas of life
I'm quite a lazy person who never finishes anything and jumps from one thing to the next faster than a grasshopper!

Now on to food: We have learned a lot the last several years but there is still much we don't know. We are searching for the CORRECT information about nutrition.

There is a vast ocean (in a former life I would compare it to a data warehouse from a fortune 500 multinational corporation filled with decades worth of data from 100 different computer systems) filled to overflowing with information about nutrition out there and we need the Lord's help to sift out the truth from the rest....and to sift out what works for me and my family from what doesn't work for us (but may work for other people). Only the Lord can do that. We put it into His hands and ask for His help.


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