Friday, February 6, 2009

Here a little, there a little

This gift Honeybee has for researching is not something I have -- so I am in awe! I scan my information and understand it and know what I need to do but it is hard to relate the understanding to others. I'm a shooter from the hip kind of gal and because of that, I go faster than I should, make silly mistakes and get much practice. LOL I love to make it work. I think we make a good team and it is surely fun!

We seem to be led. It's like Isaiah 28:10 says, "precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, and there a little. It's been a time of learning and understanding. I’ve learned and Honeybee has studied the things known by others and we understand the importance of the knowledge they've gained. And we knew we would not be given the added light and knowledge until we had learned these things and applied them.

And -- we know there is more --- even some the world does not yet know.


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