Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Search for word meanings

Many times, with a little searching and study, one can determine an enlightened understanding of why a word was used. I know we can all interpret things the way we want but as I went on this word search, I tried to feel what the Lord was telling me.

"All grain is ordained for the use of man, to be the staff of life.... Nevertheless, wheat for man."

ordained: established

use: in particular service or end

staff of life: a staple of diet
staple: the sustaining or principal element; a commodity for which the demand is constant
principal: most important

nevertheless: nonetheless; notwithstanding; however; in spit of that; yet; still; at least.
archaic - although; in spite of the fact that; even though

And from a site that helps with Hebrew and Greek: www.blueletterbible.org

nevertheless: but rather;
scarce: deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand and
implies falling short of a standard or required abundance

Could the "demand" and "falling short" pertain to the body? Will we yet find our bodies, indeed, do not get enough?

The quest continues. Basak

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