Monday, March 23, 2009

A body cleanse?

There are many who do body cleanses and there are many different ones out there. Wheat grass juice is to a certain extent a cleanse. Fasting is a form of a cleanse.

Years ago, Stanley Burroughs wrote a book entitled, "The Master Cleanser". It is also known as the lemonade diet. There have become many variations of this as people have added their own thoughts and ways of doing it.

We decided to do this cleanse a few years ago. I did it for 14 days and my husband did it for 7. I bought the original book because I wanted the real deal. It was well worth the cleanse.

I've come to realize the bodies are totally phenomenal. It has back up systems that kick in when other parts fail. If something stops producing, another area provides. It is truly a great miracle. It wants to be healthy and fights to maintain health and life. When the body is healed and nutriented, it can withstand the intrusions of today's world. But so typical --- we eventually revert and gorge the body with junk and soon find that pizzazz we enjoyed gone.

Another family member just completed this cleanse for 19 days. She did it by the book and was valiant the longest of anyone I've personally known. As she's again adapted to food, and it's been healthy food, she's realized that her body is still not functioning properly. She never did feel the greatly improved health that so many describe; however, she did see great benefits and was thankful for what she did accomplish and was able to do everything required in her busy life (and continued exercising) except for a couple days of detoxing.

However, it made us realize that sometimes things are so deep that it takes longer. She thinks she might continue in short spurts (3-4 days). It reminds me that maybe the same principle is applied as was the heal your body program. I also thought about the book on the 4-A's and sometimes the improvements come after a year of providing the body with eliminations and nutrients. I realized that the cleanse could very well be like that. In fact, I just read the other day about a person who was dying. They gave her 2 tablespoons of carrot juice a few times a day for a few days and then were able to add more of the juice. Her health was restored on carrot juice (and she didn't turn orange).

In order to have the health we desire, a cleanse is a good thing to help our body become how it really is supposed to be. Isn't that what the 4-A book and the heal your body program has us do -- eliminate the foods that cause the most problems? When the body is not inundated with what we put into it, it has time to function the way it was created -- and healing is a part of that.

And what part will wheat play? The experiments continue, the testing continues, and the learning continues -- all building upon past learnings and experiences.


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