Monday, March 23, 2009

Where is Gwenith?

No, I have not disappeared into some inescapable black hole! Life just swamps you some times. We have been trying to pack to move and just when we really got a lot of stuff done, the move was postponed a month! You see, we don't want to buy a house in this current economic 'situation' so we have been renting a home. Our landlord got his old job back in town and moved back and naturally wants his house back so we have to move. Anyway, as exhausting as that upheaval is, I have also been sick again (post-mission crud) which puts me down and out for a good week!

Basak was right, the book by Kenneth Bock, 'Healing the New Childhood Epidemics' has really impacted me and I am anxious to see if my sons with their asthma and anxiety problems and my problems can be helped by what that book says. What can you say about such a powerful book - particularly when their claims seem to be supported by legitimate (meaning scientific method, not hearsay) diagnoses and treatment that produce consistent results? I guess you try it out for yourself!

Onward and upward!


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