Monday, March 23, 2009

Do our bodies tell us what is needed?

Have you ever really watched little children when they eat? They know when their bodies are full. They know when their bodies don't want much food. They know when their bodies don't want a particular food.

And, I as a child, and as a parent to my children, heard and said, "Eat!", and there were many reasons that went with those words. And when little children don't feel like eating, we just know they need to be eating. It's what the world teaches. However, in reality, their bodies are healing or getting rid of (rather than stockpiling) the bad things. And after only a day or two, those children are eating normally again, and eating the things they didn't want to eat the previous day.

We can learn much from this!!!!

Signs of an allergic reaction in our bodies, or something that doesn't sit well with our bodies are: If you take your blood pressure about half an hour after eating and it's higher, your body isn't liking it. If your breathing changes (could take deep breaths before and it now is hard to get a deep breath or if you're breathing faster); if you sneeze, cough, or nose runs; if you feel like you're abdomen area is swelling inside (also could sometimes be described as bloating or cramping); if you feel sluggish about half an hour after; if you get a headache; nausea; and if you feel gassy -- all are telltale signs of body distress and reactions.

I do believe our bodies tell us what is going on -- if we will pay attention and "feel". Our bodies know. But because of the "programming" we've received, we've lost this natural knowledge.

The insides of our bodies oft times need to heal -- just like the outside of our bodies!!!


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