Monday, March 23, 2009

A program that was for "healing your body"

A wonderful family member had great success on an eating program she did. There was a class she attended and learned. I asked if those in the class were there for weight loss or for better health. She said is was about fifty/fifty. She shared that originally the program was started for people with health problems but it was realized that one great unexpected benefit was weight loss. Of course that word got around so people started attending for weight loss.

The crux of the program was that you stopped eating the allergic foods -- all grains (except oatmeal and millet), no dairy (except ghee - clarified butter), no fruits, no condiments.

You then began a testing of each food. I made a list of all the foods I ate (or wanted to eat and some I'd never heard of before like jicama) and began. You only ate the same kind of foods during the whole day -- so there was a protein day, a carb day, and a legume day and if you wanted, you could also just have a vege day, although after testing they could be eaten with any of the other foods.

It was interesting as I listened to the reports of her progress. She would lose weight and then she'd go for 5-10 days and not lose a pound. She'd then lose 4-6 pounds in the next couple of days. As I pondered that, I realized the inside of her body was like a cut on the arm. Her body had come up against something that needed healing. It worked on it for about the same amount of days that it takes for a cut on the arm to totally heal, and then her body would function more as it should. As I began the program, I also experienced these same things.

When the body is not using all the energy to digest and sort things because there are too many or much of them, the body has time to heal. This program had wonderful benefits for almost all with health problems. One possible reason was the acidity/alkalinity factor of the digestive processes.

I had eggs (fried in ghee) for breakfast -- no telltale signs. I had cucumbers for lunch. I had cod for dinner. The next day I did the carbs - oatmeal, squash (with ghee), popcorn -- no telltale signs. After trying each food individually, one could then start to combine them -- still watching for any signs of a reaction.

It became very evident what foods did to my body -- nothing really intense, just little signs -- until I had green onions. I ate one and got extremely nauseated and within 2 minutes had thrown up. Interesting!!

I succeeded on this program and felt wonderful for months. But as so typical, the good food of the world and my lack of resistance and control won.

I'm very thankful for that program and what it taught me about my body's telltale signs. I'm finding that I'm again using this knowledge in really "feeling" and "noticing" what my body is telling me.


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