Monday, March 23, 2009

Going without food

In our church, we fast once a month for two meals. Some think they're absolutely going to die during that time. There are others that realize there are health benefits from going without food and although fasting is spiritual in nature, there are also physical benefits. Sometimes, however, because of health reasons, fasting is not a good thing.

I'm taught by stories in the scriptures of those who fast longer than just one day. Esther is one of those stories and there are many others. And through the years, I've learned that many people fast for a few days.

Because of my spiritual desires, I personally know the blessings of obeying the law of the fast. The greater my desire, the greater the spirituality of the fast. And I've learned I will not die if I go a couple of days without food. I've found that fasting is a great blessing in my spiritual life and physical blessings are always a by-product and I find them extremely liberating. My body feels rejuvenated, lighter, quicker -- the way I like to feel.

Again -- has the world programmed us -- what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat? Yes, we do eventually die if we go without food. But, do we also "die" when we overload with food?

Again -- do children teach us? Do the processes of our bodies sometimes need to rest - play catch up and rejuvenate. The children instinctively have this and so do we -- until we all get programmed.

Ah -- food tastes so good ----- all this is hard to do! Desires effect choices! Easier said than done!


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