Friday, March 13, 2009

The hardest part

As a wife and a mother and a daughter of God, we have these inward feelings to please. Having our families happy brings us great joy. We cook and feed them their favorite things because of the delight it gives us.

The hardest part of trying to change our eating habits is balancing those desires to please our families and what we know to be for their better good and making those changes, even though we know it'll cause grumbling. I sometimes feel I'm cooking something different for everyone. But this I do know -- I have received guidance and if I do not honor that and go forward, it is my condemnation - not those in my family. But this is indeed the hardest part for me. So -- be forewarned, although I think everyone already knows this.

In these years of using more wholesome foods and especially trying to incorporate the wheat, we have had our share of grumblings. But lately, neat things are happening. I'm finding their willingness increasing and I believe it is because their bodies are now telling them they want it. I don't really know how to explain that other than when we eat good things, the things that aren't good for us don't seem as good anymore. And this is what seems to be happening. A few months ago, we had turned up noses and now they are drinking a glass full of smoothie. We are ALL eating more wheat - not just me, although I am eating more than every one else. When I ask them for help in evaluating my doings, it seems to help. Example and talking about things that are good for our bodies.... well, it also seems to be doing something. They are coming along and I have to admit, this is kind of surprising to me and I must add, delightful.

So please do be patient with your families if you're on the road to eating healthier and eating the foods the Lord has created and has instructed us in what is best for us. Just as we desire to please our families, so does the Lord have feelings to please us. He desires us to be happy and have joy. He feeds us because of the delight it gives Him. Are we sometimes likes our families -- grumbling and not wanting the good things? I hope we'll always remember His great patience and constant love for us and do the same as we try and incorporate the better into the lives of our families.


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