Monday, March 2, 2009

Muscle testing

Since I'll be sharing some testing, I need to briefly explain.

I went to an excellent chiropractor years ago. He'd been to China twice to study. He muscle tested and that's where I first learned about it.

Today, muscle testing is a pretty common practice. Just goggle "muscle testing" and there are many sites that explain it. I was quite enlightened by a book, "Power vs Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior," by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Although some think this is bunk, I eventually was given the understanding that it is a gift. I am sure of my beliefs and goals in life and I do not use it in areas that to me are questionable. I do know our bodies react to all that happens to us and will tell us what they need. I have developed my own asking system, which involves the Lord, and know when I am at the point of needing to ask verses learning by experience, which is also a must in this life.

And so - in future posts - when I say I tested, you'll kind of know what that means.


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