"All grain is ordained for the use of man,...to be the staff of life....
All grain is good for the food of man;...--
Nevertheless, wheat for man...."

Doctrine and Covenants 89: 14, 16-17 (Known as the Word of Wisdom)

Our Blog Names

While playing around, we happened upon names that mean wheat. We kind of liked them so we adopted them as our blog names. We'll be signing our blogs with our "wheat" names.

Gwenith - Welch (female) is Honeybee
- Turkish (female) is Grandma
Zea - Latin (female) is Walkers


Basak: My quest is to understand and know why the Lord said, "Nevertheless, wheat for man". I want to know how to prepare and use it in the Lord's ways and thus, it will taste good and our families will want to eat it. I want to know why the word "nevertheless" was used, how much we need and why. My quest is to know it all.

Gwenith: Several months ago, the thought came to me. How will we eat in the Millennium? That sounds funny, I know, but what I mean when I say that is, 'What is a higher law of health and nutrition and how can I eat that way using my food storage?' This is what I am working on.

Zea: My quest... to learn and live the word of wisdom so that me and my family will be blessed to live a healthy life. In this process I've ended up having several "sub" quests, such as learning more about grains, herbs, what things in our diet and life are created by "evil and conspiring men", and needless to say one subject leads to another. Right now I'm trying to put the knowledge I've gathered so far (while still gathering more) into practice for me and my family... not an easy task when you have a picky eater!

And as we pursue our quests, we desire to help others.

Monday, April 6, 2009

And even more thinking.....

When we break an arm or leg, it's put in a cast so it can heal and it takes about six weeks. When we have surgery, we are told to take it easy for 6 weeks and even up to 6 months.

Isn't it interesting that the outside of our body is given time to heal but when it comes to the inside of the body, we just keep shoveling it in and making it continue to work and not take it easy to heal or we take medications to mask the symptoms?

I was making an 8-hour drive and time was of the essence. I only wanted to stop for gas and relief. I prepared munchies. It was a time when I was trying to eat at least one meal of raw veges. The only thing I had in the fridge were peppers - a green, yellow and an orange one.

I must admit, I really thought I'd get to the point of not even being able to look at those slices. But as I got hungry, down they went -- for snacks, lunch and dinner. When I arrived life was extremely busy so nothing else was eaten during that day except for almost three whole peppers.

Now for the surprise! Maybe some have seen pictures of the results of a colon cleanse and if not, just google it and you can have that 'wonderful' experience. I've never seen such results in cleanses I've done but lo and behold, there were results the next day. In fact, it kind of scared me because I had no idea this was even a possibility. I satiated myself with peppers and they did something very good to my body.

If foods, as their whole, provide these kinds of results, I wonder if each of the whole foods would do their own cleanse -- kind of like different scrubbing brushes. What would eating a day of just celery or broccoli or carrots or whatever do? I'm thinking I'll be trying this also.

I'd imagine if a food sounds good it would be its turn. For some reason, strawberries and celery are screaming at me. Can you imagine, a whole day of eating whole strawberries until you're full and when you get hungry, you have them again -- all day long? It was amazing that satiation did come, even when eating just slices of peppers.

Now I know this doesn't quite coincide with the previous post of eating wheat with other whole foods but I think there's something to both. I'd say it's time for more experiments!!


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I'm Basak (Grandma). I'm married to a wonderful husband who spoils me and puts up with all my kitchen lab work and in my working to serve others. We have four wonderful children and they have blessed us with sixteen grandchildren. I always seem to be learning something new and I love it.

I met Gwenith a few years ago and she's become a very dear friend. We found we were kindred sisters in the preparedness world. We now live miles apart and yet, the kindred has never dwindled. When we talk, we find we always seem to be going down the same road in the thought process - a miracle in itself.

I'm Gwenith (Honeybee). I have a wonderful husband and two boys who are my jewels. I have known since serving a proselyting/welfare mission years ago that the Lord wanted me to be involved in the 'Provident Living' side of things.

The last several years have been an amazing learning adventure and I thank the Lord for allowing me to be an instrument in His hands in any way. Thank goodness I have a friend to share this adventure with -- Basak. Though Basak seems my peer, not my elder, I lean heavily on her wisdom, experience and most of all her strong spirituality. She is an example to me. My efforts to becoming closer to the Lord have benefited from watching her. Thank you, friend!