Monday, April 6, 2009

Been doin' a lot of thinking today

Part of a quote in a post on April 1 read: "...A whole food might be more than the sum of its nutrient parts." - which basically means the synergy of the whole.

I've had a few thoughts come to mind and had about decided that maybe that slice of homemade bread we always used to have with a meal was good for us. Today this thought was more intense and I wondered why. As I've tried to make sure my body is getting the wheat it needs, I've found that eating vege's and fruits, and I know they are good for me, leaves wheat lacking. So decided I need to eat a slice of bread, a handful of sprouts, etc., with what I eat to see where this takes me. And it doesn't seem to take a lot -- half a slice of bread, a small handful of sprouts.

As I was pondering this, the thought came: What if wheat also worked synergistically with all other whole foods? I do know nutrients work synergistically together and I believe many foods are not the best for us in combination but is there more good for man with a bit of wheat with other whole foods?

Thinking always seems to bring more questions; but questions beget answers.


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