Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A story of our bodies telling us what they need

This was so many years ago that I may not have the details totally correct but I can still remember the impact. It was WOW!

There was a day-care center. Someone there had watched the children and noticed how they'd eat the same thing for a couple or few days and then go to another food. She wanted to do an experiment. They put a great variety (all kinds of fruits, veges, potatoes, breads, cheese, etc.) on the table in their individual bowls.

The children were allowed to choose what they wanted to eat and it was recorded. It didn't matter what others chose. They found a child would eat maybe green beans for a couple of days and then go to another type of food for a couple of days, like bread or meat or fruit. You get the picture. They sometimes would choose one or two other items to eat with what they chose but it was mostly one item and maybe two. It almost seemed like they were craving some things as they ate a lot of it. After a couple of days, the food of choice almost always changed.

These children were eating by natural instinct.

Are our natural instincts so masked that we cannot even feel/hear them? I believe mine are. However, the more I eat whole foods, the more my body seems to talk to me. I also believe that one thing I do is mix and eat too many varieties of food together. Again that word "simple" comes to mind.


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