Thursday, April 30, 2009


I didn't even know this word existed until just a few years ago. I kind of like it. Satiate - to satisfy (as a need or desire) or no more desire. I relate this word to "full".

I've been working on identifying my "full" when eating. I don't know if I even know what that little feeling my body would give me feels like. I watch my grandchildren eat and they surely do recognize it -- even when eating a dessert. And I don't know if I really know what real hunger pains feel like anymore. Most of mine seem to be in the head, not in the belly.

So for now, I eat until I feel no more desire. It seems to be working for me. I think I just need to try harder to learn to identify that "full" sensation. I remember an article I read years ago that asked if we'd ever noticed that those people who looked like their weight was where it should be, when eating out, were the ones that left something on their plate. They knew they were full but didn't feel they had to eat it all. I liked that article and have often desired to know I was full but surely haven't done my part to recognize it.

Eating more wheat has kind of helped with that, though. It's amazing that it really doesn't take a lot to feel satiated. When I get there, I do not want anymore. I also know when I have bread for a meal I usually have two slices and I sometimes do not feel full and will have another slice and then feel completely satisfied. I guess I am progressing in this area.

Our bodies really do know what they need and how much they need. Just as in the world we need to be good listeners, we need to be good listeners to our bodies.


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