Thursday, April 30, 2009

While we're on snacks.....

When did the world start teaching snacks as a part of our daily regiments?

When I was growing up and also while raising my own family, we ate three meals a day. There were no snacks, even after school. I can't remember when it all started to feed our little children a snack at mid-morning and mid-afternoon and after school. And when you're feeding little ones, you always have to have a bite so adults just got on board, too (me)!

I'm trying to not eat snacks and it's making a difference in how I feel -- MUCH BETTER. It's giving me much more self control over what I eat at other times of the day, too. And then when I think about what most people eat for snacks today........ you already know where I'd go with that!

Boy, the world has done a good job on us!! Reminds me of those good words spoken in the Word of Wisdom, "...evils and designs, which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days..."

I just can't remember when this all came about -- the transition. Maybe it was in the years of my children being gone from home and having grandchildren but it's like "fixing" something all day long!

Another person commented that we used to eat large breakfasts -- eggs, wheat cereal, milk from the cow and whole wheat bread and homemade butter. (Those really were the good-ole days and I remember them.) After you got done eating all that, you weren't hungry until lunch. Lunch was the big meal of the day. Dinner was lighter--more whole wheat bread broken up like cereal and covered with milk and sugar in a bowl, with home bottled peaches on top. We used to call it bread and milk.

It surely wasn't a time of just leisurely watching TV between those meals but hard work so when it was time to eat, most were not picky.

She also pointed out that snacks came about when schools kept kids all day instead of sending them home at noon for a home cooked meal, and the kindergartners had graham crackers and milk for a snack. She said, "I actually knew what hunger pains felt like..." And of course, you've all heard this line, "I used to walk 1/2 mile (or longer) to and from school everyday". The big meals stopped during the day about that time as more men worked away from home rather than farming.

I think snacks -- in our not as much expended calorie society -- are not helping us much.

Ah the good ole days -- they did have their advantages and good points. But I really think this is something to consider. Do we all need these snacks? Is this the reason so many are so picky? Is this one reason we are an over-weight society? I know for me, when I start eating, it's sometimes hard to turn it off. And the world's philosophy has done this to me because it wasn't a part of me when I was growing up or when my children were at home.

I'm taking my world back!


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