Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pay day

My son asked this morning how he could eat more protein without eating meat. This is one of those "it's worth it" (pay day) times. We discussed lentils and beans and how if you eat them and grains, you get all the amino acids. He then shared that he's "noticed" that when he eats meat, he soon feels kind of bloated. There's that word again -- "noticing". I also shared with him that maybe it's what he eats with the meat that causes that bloating feeling. I've also recently read in the world's information that meat proteins stay with the body and do its work much longer than they originally thought -- sometimes up to three days.

I, too, have experienced what he described but it isn't every time. It seems it needs to be a constant watch. Maybe I should keep an eating journal and record how I feel after each meal. LOL Boy, I already know that but when thinking, it always brings things to mind on what we know we should be doing!

Simpleness is so one of the keys to all of this.

I continue to eat wheat -- in all it's forms. Here goes a bit of "eating journal" LOL Had wheat sprouts (1/2 cup), raisin bran (1/3 cup), 1/4 tsp sugar (I still am hung up on my old life LOL but notice the decreased amount) and milk for breakfast. It tasted wonderful. Had a salad last night that had 1/2 cup of mixed sprouts (which includes wheat) on it and then had one slice of pizza. Yes, I did notice sensations but it wasn't from the salad. I also noticed that increase in weight this morning which ALWAYS comes after eating pizza.


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