Sunday, May 17, 2009

Is "full" based on quantity of what the body can handle?

Interesting discovery -----

The other day I ate pizza (the order out kind) --- and "full" came faster than I expected. Had to analyze that. I believe the body knew it would have a harder time processing what was being ingested. So- would the nature of the body have "full" come faster? Ironically, it took a bit longer to reach "hungry" -- so in essence, does the body take longer to process food made with many man-made ingredients along with all their preservatives and thus, longer to again feel a true "hungry"?

So when we eat before "hungry" arrives, is the body not yet finished processing. When we add more food, an analogy could be like we are causing a flood. Dams begin to form, body parts cannot contain it all so causes inflammation (which is a major cause of illness), and also causes leakages and hemorrhages inside the body.

Oh my -- what a disservice I've done to my body for many years. Another analogy --- When I fill my car up with gas, it can only hold so much. I make a choice to fill it with the good, better or best for it. Why would I not want to do the same with my body? We had a Camero and have to admit it made me want to be naughty. We took good care of it and only put into it what was best for it. We wanted optimum performance. I think I'm becoming stronger in my determination to truly treat my body like a temple and use the correct fuel to produce the energy it needs. Why would we want to do differently? Of course, it's because of all the "wonderful and tasty" of the world. But ya know -- all that "wonderful and tasty" surely does not make me feel good and it doesn't make a lot of other people feel good either.

A rather long explanation of another experience with "full". Oh well......


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