Friday, May 22, 2009

Self talk, not feeling well, and feel like I'm in kindergarten

There are so many self-help books these days on how we program ourselves by what we say to ourselves. I've decided I'm going to use some new self talk. When that time comes that I say, "Oh, I'm full", I'm also going to say, "Let me know when we're again truly hungry." I'm hoping this will help me get the "when" of "needing" to eat and get past my own habits.

This whole thing isn't very easy for me. I guess I'm just a nibbler, snacker, food addict -- whatever you want to call it. But I still know when I eat to "full", the nibbling and snacking just aren't in the picture.

I haven't felt the best the past couple of days. Been using some essential oils and when they do their thing, the body does indeed process. And ..... what has that done to my appetite? I've not gotten hungry until a few hours after regular eating time. One day, I ate because I just knew I should be hungry and of course I knew my body needed food!! Yah right!!! Not only did I not feel good but I then felt bloated and yukky in other ways -- like I do when I over eat! Well dah!!! However, when I did good, the hunger did eventually come. And full came quicker and with less food. Interesting - but yet I know I already knew it would be like that.

All learning lessons but I truly KNOW our bodies talk to us and tell us what is best --- if we will but just listen! And I feel like I'm in kindergarten!!!


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