Sunday, May 17, 2009

About 95 percent there!!!!

Funny how things work and I love it!!!!

Right in my daily scripture reading, I came to that wonderful section in the Doctrine and Covenants on the Word of Wisdom. I had the thought that I was going to try and read it and just let it happen. Usually I try to force the things I desire to understand. And here is the Lord's word on just that so really wanted to just "hear" what was going to be said to me.

The reading was amazing! I realized how truly SIMPLE it is! I thought about my Dad. He always grew a garden and I remember him just eating the fruits and veges for lunch, along with the homemade bread my mother always baked and many again for dinner and how healthy he was for most of his life; and the same with my mother. I thought about the "season thereof". I thought about our seasons as compared to other places in the world. I thought about how fun it is to partake of those fresh apricots, cherries, peaches and apples and all the other yummies in their season of harvest. And I love tomato sandwiches. I thought about when it's hot and not really feeling like eating much. And then I thought about grains -- how they store because of those outer shells and how they are what would be used during those times when the gardens are not. Of course, all of you probably already know the simpleness of it all but I enjoyed my waa laa! I also totally understood why the Lord said what he said about flesh of beasts -- again, so simple.

So knowing that the grains would serve us well all year (and this went to awhile back when I said I wondered if we just weren't eating enough), and having been proving this all of my life it seems because I remembered that I ate whole wheat cereal almost every morning as a child and feel I really do eat my grains (but I believe it has not been in the quantities needed for my body because I fill it up with other things instead), I again asked "why wheat for man?"

I just felt that this little kernel of wheat has the most in it of what man's body needs. I use wheat in ever so many ways but am now going to make a closer study of how to eat it, when to eat it and with what, and how much and when. Seems complicated but it's just experiment, eat and pay attention and listen. It's just around the corner if I will zero in and put the knowledge I have to use to answer these questions.

The "seasons" of growing are upon us. What a wonderful time to put things to the test -- the hungry and full, the eating of wheat, the bounties of fruits, veges and herbs. It's going to be a wonderful summer of enjoying God's created food and receiving my answer!


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