Friday, May 8, 2009

Very interesting -- this hungry and full thing - many surprises

First off -- know that this is just my sorting through all this. I guess, really, the whole blog is kind of like that but this is specifically to the hungry and full thing.

As I've been doing this, I've noticed a couple of things.

1. At the evening meal, when I get to "full", I do not have a desire to eat and munch the rest of the night. It's been this way for three nights and I had no reaction feelings. One night I even watched a couple hours of TV. This is my most prone time to eat so this is very surprising to me. And for the record, I had to add more food than I originally dished up at meals to obtain "full". This also surprised me.

2. When I "snack" in between, which I just did this morning -- my body reacted with feelings of bloating and prickly insides. This caused an "mmmmmmm????"

3. I remembered that at breakfast, I did not zero in on the "full" feeling. I really do not believe I reached that point. Maybe that's one reason for the feeling of "wanting" at snack time.

I had one more thought....... Many people do not make enough hydrochloric acid (a stomach acid) to facilitate proper digestion. Do our bodies need a certain amount of time, depending on what we eat, to process it all and then to make new acid to be ready for the next meal?

When I ate three meals - waiting until "hungry" and ending with "full", my body just seemed ready and there were no reactions with anything I ate. And I've had reactions from some of those things before. When I had a snack today, had my body not processed everything? Did it not have enough stomach acids to do the job? So was reacting the result? I feel there is truth in this.

We really do spend a lot of time feeding our bodies a little here and a little there between a lot here and a lot there. The body probably does not ever have time to get to that point of "I'm ready".

It's been a fun three days and I'm sure the learning will continue. By the way, the weight lessened and maintained during those three days by a pound. Considering what I was eating, that, too, was surprising!!!

It's all just amazing!!!!!


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