Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pico de gallo green smoothie

We make a pico de gallo sauce that is really good. You use Roma tomatoes, cilantro, white onion, jalapenos, cucumber and lime juice - cube everything and put juice of a lime or two on it. Oh, and add salt to taste. It never turns out the same for us because the vegetables are more potent at times or we use a bit more of one thing, etc. Guess one of these days we should come up with a recipe but it's kind of fun to have it be a bit different and just enjoy it. It is absolutely yummy with chips or however you want to use it.

We made a batch and it ended up being a BIG batch and it was a little hotter than usual. We have a 5-year old that just could not eat enough of it. That got me wondering if it had something in it that his body needed and how my body would react to all that wonderful blend in a larger amount. I was also wondering how we were going to eat all of it so....

In my creative thinking, I took some spinach and then put a few spoonfuls in, added the juice of 2 more limes and about a cup of water and blended away. WOW!!! I think I'll name it "Pico de gallo Green Smoothie Jolt". It is really good and I believe anyone who enjoys the Mexican flavors would also enjoy it.

I think I needed to add a few wheat sprouts. You wouldn't have even known they were in there, just like in all the other smoothies. I wonder why I didn't do that? Live and learn!


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