Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I have a new theory about drinking water

I keep learning of more and more people who take a supplement of HCI (hydrocloric acid) to help with their stomach acids.

Water content in God's created foods is high as compared to most of the foods we eat. So when Adam and Eve ate, there was quite a bit of liquid that went into their stomachs and maybe just helped slosh the food around and helped mix up the gastric acids in the digestion process.

At breakfast, I thought about what the people in the world eat today and how the stomach would look after - dry, dry, dry!! It's trying to make the gastric acids but it would be just this big blob of chewed food (and sometimes not so chewed). So the parts of the stomach that make these things would be squished, crowded -- unable to perform their tasks as they should. And what little they did make could not be mixed in sufficiently.

I was doing laundry while eating and the analogy came that it would be a bit the same if I put just the soap into the washer with the clothes but no water. I have an energy efficient one that doesn't need much water but surely does a good job so in the analogy the water in the stomach would not have to be lots.

And then what the world teaches about not drinking water with our meals came to mind.

Could it be we need the liquid when we eat? The world teaches us that we need to be drinking LOTS of water. Maybe more of that needs to be with what we eat. The world sometimes teaches that we should drink 1/2 hour before a meal to help curb hunger but even that would be processed before we loaded that ole stomach up.

Years ago I always drank with my meals and I was fit and trim. Of course I was younger, too; but when I adopted the world's thinking of not drinking with meals, things were different.


I'm going to be drinking more water with my meals! And just so you know, to me the other things the world has us drink with our meals would not be the same.


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