Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 11 - The last day of eating only juice

I got up and could face the juices. And I felt good! One of the side benefits is, of course, a bit of weight is lost and I got on the scales this morning and it was 3 1/2 pounds. That didn't excite me as much as usual and my thoughts keep going to what's happening on the inside of my body. I read how many feet the bowels were once and I remember being astounded so I again looked it up --- small intestines are approximately 23 feet long and the colon is about 5 feet long. I can't imagine -- but that's a long ways to travel! No wonder we get plugged and need a good cleaning once in awhile and then must be vigilant to try and not put stuff in there that would build a dam. What a visual!!!

We just didn't drink as much today. Life got in the way. Looking forward to tomorrow -- just water -- and I hope I can remember to do it often.

I asked my husband tonight if he wanted apple juice for supper. We had a good laugh.
I think I'm starting to get a little hungry. Previously to tonight, I've not even had an inkling.

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