Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 12 - Pretty uneventful

Since I had about 1 3/4 cup of prune juice left, I decided to do the same thing this morning and then drink apple juice until noon. Things did not happen like they've happened the other 3 days. I have to admit I was surprised and I think I'm thinking someone knew what they were talking about. I began the water fast at noon; husband has done it all day.

We talked about this cleanse versus the The Master Cleanse. We both prefer The Master Cleanse. To drink lemonade was just so much easier. I did find my tongue is still coated and am wondering if after water fasting it will clear.

I'm glad we are where we are. It seems we are deciding what to do as we go - and that is good. I'm thinking he'll be eating before me but that's okay.

He lost some weight while working a few months this past summer driving around taking pictures. He shared that he would eat veges while driving around - just snacking on them kind of all day long. He commented today that maybe that was the reason he lost the weight. I was worried about him being able to eat raw but I think he already knows how. This is getting even more exciting.

I have to feed company tomorrow - already signed up before I knew we were doing this. That ole cookin' just gets in the way!!! lol

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