Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 16 - Let the eating wheat everyday begin

Just learned that ninety percent (90%) of all disease starts in the colon. So I did some testing and we are not clean!!! The cleanse was just the beginning of what will probably be a several month process. I knew it wouldn't be instant but again I think I was in denial. For this, we are using Dr. Christopher's Formulas. They work! We can vouch for that by experience. There are surely some wonderful stories of people who have been to doctor after doctor for years and the healing results they've had using herbs.

I love the Lord's creations with a much greater vision than I've ever had before and now understand what the world does with God's creations. Many drugs are made from a plant- a part that has been isolated and then they sometimes even synthesize it. So sad!!!

We had sprouted wheat with 3 T of yogurt for breakfast. (Now we aren't supposed to be using dairy products but I had no time and this had to do - I know everyone can relate! lol) I had a green smoothie for lunch.

I fixed baked salmon and with that we had kind of a stir fry but I steamed the celery and broccoli and then added 1/2 of the bean sprouts. I then used about 1 T of butter and stir fried the other half of the bean sprouts and then put everything together and also added cooked wheat berries (wheat that has been boiled). Ya know -- it wasn't half bad. It all got eaten which surprised me.

Now I know I still have a long ways to go to get this down but I'm so pleased that today I ate wheat twice. I'm very blessed!!!! Answers to prayers are real!!!!!!!!!!

I did do some weight lifting this morning and will do the comparison after 10 days.

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