Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 15 - Detoxing? I think so.

My husband is being so supportive!! It's awesome. I'm very pleased with my overcoming me. There have been rice crispy treats on the cupboard and I was only tempted a couple of times but the temptation was easily overcome. This is very exciting to me.

We had cream of wheat cereal for breakfast. It was warm, tasty and filling. What a way to begin a day! I remembered that I wanted to do the 10 days of eating wheat everyday and decided I need to start tomorrow.

My general vitality has always been lower than my husband's so I've known I was worse off than he was -- yet he has all the worldly signs and on all the meds (heart trouble, high cholesterol and triglycerides and high blood pressure). He was who I was talking about the denial part. Yet, today I've realized I am really in denial. I'm worse off inside than he is. His turn around time of elimination after fasting was 36 hours and mine was 48. I must be detoxing off and on because I'm just off and on - quite interesting.

Just realized -- I wrote the above before I ran errands and as I was driving home, I was thinking about this day so far - not much energy, spacey, tired...... - and I remembered reading that detox happens in 7's - 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months, 7 years. I then counted and today is day 7. I really AM detoxing!! I can now let go of wondering what is happening and enjoy the day as it is. It's kind of neat when you can zero into what your body feels and then recognize what is happening.

We had leftover potatoes (cut in really small cubes and browned) and black beans with salsa on them. Not much originality there!

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