Saturday, February 6, 2010

I saved the day - well, the orange sorbet anyway

I made this orange sorbet last night thinking it would be a wonderful treat.
2 oranges, peeled
2 T sugar or other sweetener, to taste - I used agave [a (a) gav (gah) ve (long e) - it uses much less than sugar and I've now seen it at Costco and Walmart.]
4 cups ice cubes

I made the mistake of adding the ice cubes before blending the oranges and so it didn't get as pureed as we'd have liked it before it got too thick from the cold. So -- lots left over. Gotta try this, though, with liquifying the oranges before adding the ice and maybe even juicing them.

I had wheat sprouts with orange sorbet for breakfast. It will not be a favorite but definitely edible. I also cooked the sprouts a bit -- too long as they became a bit too mushy, as was the comment from my companion in all of this and to be frankly honest, this comment surprised me. I found I liked having the outside a bit softer but it was a bit too soft. Was is worth the effort to cook -- probably not. But I may experiment more.

I then made a smoothie for snack: Kale (1 lg leaf), asparagus (1/2 can), 2 1/2 bananas, and all of left-over orange drink and 3/4 c water. It was okay for me but for anyone else to drink it, I felt it needed just a little more sweetener so added 1 t of agave but it could have done well with just 1/2 t.

Thumbs up means I did okay!

I hate wasting food!!!! Anytime I can "save the food", I've had a good day. To me, it's just like taking a $5 bill and letting it go down the garbage disposal. I've talked about this before, but green smoothies are a wonderful place to "disguise" lots of things!!!!

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