Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 5 -- An idea

Wheat sprouts were ready. For lunch I fixed a bowl of sprouts (1/2 cup), 1/4 cup applesauce (unfortunately it was sweetened but home canned), 5 raisins, 1 tsp coconut and 6 small pieces of pecan. When I served it, I asked my companion in all of this if he really felt he could eat like this after our cleanse because this is how it would pretty much look. And .... I got a look. I didn't ask what it meant but "we" ate all of it and it was actually pretty good. Simple it was!!!

We then had half of an avocado, tomato and lettuce sandwich with balsamic vinegar. I really liked that.

Soooo --- the idea could expand to those sprouts being mixed with strawberries, raspberries, (any variety of fruit - dried, fresh or frozen) or puree of any fruit and throw in something to add just a little variety. I think I need to add just a bit of coconut oil to it, or ground flax seed or some chia seeds -- for a good fat. Oh -- what about some molasses with homemade ginger snaps broken up in it for crunch or honey and some homemade granola. (Oh!!! Another idea -- make note to self -- make granola out of sprouts.)

It'll be interesting when I really get going to see how the little ones will warm up to this.

You can see -- it's not going to be anything fancy!

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