Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More gluten intolerance

Another friend called me yesterday. She's really identifying wheat is not good for her. She hasn't been diagnosed but the reaction to eating wheat definitely says there is a problem.

I then read on a health site this morning, "Millions of people have celiac disease,.... Infertility seems to be more common in women with untreated celiac disease."

In a class years ago, a lady was teaching people about the nutrients of wheat and when infertile couples started eating the "whole" grain, they got pregnant. She emphasized the "whole" of the grain. She related many other cases of better health because of eating the whole grain. In today's modern world, most things that are made are made with the constituents of the whole -- not the "whole". Is this the problem? I so desire to know why.

I've just recently learned that herbs as a whole are so complete and powerful. When broken down, and only specific constituents are used, they become dangerous. Is it the same with wheat. I did not have this thought until writing but it very well could be the answer to my knowing why.

And what if the damage has been done to the body? Can it be repaired? Yes, it can! It has been done. If a person were to eat whole foods and cleanse the colon so it could heal and function properly, many of those problems would not be there. The body is a magnificent thing -- it repairs and rebuilds if we just give it the chance.

And it is sooooo funny, NO ONE, yet, will admit their colon could not be functioning properly. I do know mine isn't and now I'm wondering how long it will take for this to be accomplished. I know with time, patience and learning I will yet be successful.

Onward and upward!!!

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