Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 22 - A little bit of hunger going on

I woke up feeling hungry and ate cream of wheat cereal. Always yummy to me. Of course I used some almond milk! Had a green smoothie for snack. Granola for lunch. Had a later than usual dinner of leftover red sauce and spaghetti squash and I was hungry. I finished it off and that was more than I thought I would eat. Guess I keep mentioning the hungry because yesterday I just wasn't and am kind of glad to see today that I am.

This is all sounding so same-eeee, I'm sure. But, it does taste so good to me. I'm missing bread - gotta do something in that area one of these days. I've not done many nuts and seeds and really need to get them in here. I'm hoping they don't have an effect on the strength test at the end, but they are the protein so it just may be. Time just passes too quickly and I surely don't get all done that I would like to!

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