Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sugar is always a surprise!

Take a look at the nutrition label on the side or on the back of your packaged food item. Locate the listing for sugar on the label. Say, for example, you are looking at your favorite candy bar, a known source of more sugar than you probably want to consume. What does it show?

For this example, let say you show 22 grams of sugar. Is that a lot? To find out, divide that number by 4. Twenty-two divided by four equals 5.5. This is the number of teaspoons of sugar you will consume if you eat that candy bar

I can't imagine sitting down and just eating 5.5 teaspoons -- but I've surely done it way too often when eating all the other foods.

I need to memorize this formula and keep it in the forefront. I shouldn't even be considering sugar but I know I will be tempted and so will others. I'll now have a neat analogy to help me remember and help others see the real deal. This is power - power to help resist!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I had no idea! I will keep that in mind. I am blessed to not be "tempted" by many "junk food" items - I'd rather eat a piece of toast - but I'll share this with the loved ones in my life!!!
