Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 3 -- It's slooooooooow

Every time it's time to make a meal, I have these thoughts ---- "What can I do? What will I do?" Of course, that's typical of my whole life usually when preparing dinner (lol), but this seems it's got to be way different than what we've been doing. I'm a bit discouraged, wondering if I'll even be able to do this. Let's see -- no dairy, no eggs, no cooked foods unless under 130 degrees, and grains, seeds, nuts, fruits and veges. The thinking is truly in the forefront while I prepare meals of the same stuff that we've always eaten while wondering how I could do it differently. When no ideas come, it's a bit overwhelming. I decided I'm going to have to stay on top of sprouting or we won't have anything to eat. Thank goodness we are already doing green smoothies and juicing. That's a BIG plus!!

Did you know if you cook a grain less than 130 degrees, you should be able to plant it and it will grow. That's what is meant by whole foods -- if it'll grow after you cook it, it's still a whole food. That's quite a challenge. I think I need to get some books out and start collecting recipes that I think would be do-able for us. I have enough books -- that's for sure! Guess now's the time to really use them!

Did get some jump roping in this evening. I used to be soooo good at this when I was young. Maybe with enough practice, it'll come back!! Guess time will tell ---- in ALL things!!

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