Thursday, March 4, 2010

So what about almond milk?

I've made almond milk and have been using it and quite enjoy it but I now question --- what about the "whole" of the almond?

I do not have the answer but I so feel, I as "man", have broken it down and I'm losing the results of the "whole".

I know after my 10 days of eating wheat, I'm eating so much better than I've ever eaten in my life; but, my body is gradually going back to where it was. I find this so interesting. It should not be going back but continuing in a forward state. I've complicated the eating some - meaning eating more things together and this very well could be the reason.

Is it our eating such a variety of so many things in a meal and then dessert and all else that we've really done a number on the ways of God and how He created it to be? I just feel so much better when it is so simple.

Will the world catch on to this? As I've been to several "whole food" sites, I'm quite amazed at their simpleness but yet, there is making it complicated, too. But, even though a bit complicated, the results of eating that way seem to be the usual astounding of feeling so much better.

I need another mental adjustment!!! I need to let go of the world's (and my) thinking of eating meals and get a new thinking!!!!

Simple and whole ---- and wheat will be a part of that!

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