Thursday, March 4, 2010


When taking the herb class, they taught about the constituents of plants. Take for instance, Comfrey. It is a powerful herb and helps in many wonderful ways. One of the constituents was isolated, sold by itself and then synthetically made. And whoops! It killed a couple of people.

So -- the FDA says Comfrey is not safe to take internally. Now notice, they did not say the constituent was the problem. They banned the plant from being used in anything taken internally. And did you know, most of our medicines are made "from" plant constituents? There is another plant that has a carcinogenic constituent. The FDA is considering banning the use of this plant. But, when you take it as a "whole", the other constituents are antidotal to that carcinogenic constituent. That is there to protect the plant.

God is so all knowing. This is just so awesome to learn.

And now -- after having a couple weeks to absorb this, and feeling badly for the trusting souls that we are in those that provide the medicines prescribed, and also knowing of the powers behind the drug industry and that it's all about the money..... what can one say? I just know I want to learn to eat right and learn about all of God's creations and how they are provided by Him for our help and well-being.

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