Thursday, April 30, 2009

Snack time

Two little boys - 4 and 5 1/2 -- were buggin' me for snack. I was quite busy and they were supposed to be playing -- ya all know how that goes. So to the kitchen I go to try and find something for snack. I had wheat sprouts in a bowl on the cupboard - trying to decide what I wanted to do with them, leftovers from breakfast and they were a little past the sweetest part of eating them but still very good. I'd just made a green smoothie which also had ground sprouts in it. Well, I saw a no-work for me snack and just did it, wondering how it would go over. Their cups were over half full of the smoothie and I just put some sprouts in a little bowl and got them two grain crackers. Of course the sprouts have roots coming out pretty good now and kind of cling to each other. The youngest took some and made the "mmmmm" sound. The older one took some in his fingers and was looking at the conglomeration when I left. When I came back a few minutes later, they were all gone and so was their smoothie! I have to admit, I was quite surprised and I did learn that the spider-like look of the sprouts intrigued them and made them more fun to eat. Oh what we learn when we experiment! LOL


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