Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 14 - Waited too long to decide what to fix for dinner

Had green smoothies for breakfast and for lunch had 1/4 of a yellow, orange and red bell pepper.

Waited too long to really prepare something for dinner. Fed the rest of the family spaghetti and salad and we just had the salad and half a steamed sweet potato. We were both full and quite content.

While grocery shopping I saw those larger green bananas so I checked them out wondering why they were different. They were plantains. Now this really got my attention because in the herb class, that is a really good herb. So I did some research, of course on the internet and what a wonderful tool right at our fingertips, and learned a lot. We'll be having it for dinner one of these nights so everyone can taste it.

These two little boys keep me on track. They are constantly asking me if this food is healthy. One day a few weeks ago, one asked me why I didn't eat with them sometimes - was it because I was fasting or because it was unhealthy. I told him sometimes it was both reasons. He then said, "If it's because it's unhealthy, why do you feed it to us." Well, out of the mouths of babes... what else can I say - then or now. I was humbled, and still am as they ask questions in their desire to learn of eating God's created foods.

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